Volunteering/Community Service

We’ve heard a lot about Volunteering and Community Service. You’ve heard phrases like “Give back” or “Lend a Hand.” You’ve also heard about giving a “Handout” or a “Hand Up.” Well I prefer to take a different perspective. These all seem to place one person in a different position then another. For example, If I were to give you a ‘Hand Out”, or a “Hand Up” it would seem I am in a better position than you are. I don’t necessarily think that or believe that.

Instead, I think we are all in this together. While we have different roles to play at this time we all have the same role. We are all on the same team. If we are on the same team, then there is not anyone in a position of superiority. If we are on the same team, then everyone is expected to pull their own weight. This doesn’t mean that everyone is in it for themselves. It means that everyone does what they can.

The underlying idea behind several popular thoughts in America right now is, ‘From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.’ This sounds like a wonderful thought. It even sounds very much like what I am saying. In fact is is very much like what I am saying. It is not, however, what I am saying. This ‘From each..to each..’ idea is from a government, overseeing organizational, perspective. This is the idea that the overseeing body has the authority and should take (read squeeze) from everyone what they have, according to their ability, and redistribute this pile of goods back out according to each person’s “need” (read ‘as determined by the overseers’). This seems like a great idea.

The problem is that it removes the value of the individual. It separates the efforts of the person from the fruit of his labor. He no longer sees what his mind and hands can create and accomplish. He no longer sees the good that he does for his family and his community. When he cannot see that his efforts make a difference in the world, he stops striving to make a difference.

This basic idea is why NGOs are so successful. In America you can’t swing your checkbook, if you still even have one, and not hit a dozen Non-Profit Organizations that are directly benefiting your community. If you give even $10 you can immediately see the impact in you community. I live in a community of around 200,000 people. I can not name all the organizations that are integral parts of making this a GREAT town to live in.

This is not meant to be a political statement, though by it’s very nature it is. This is not a Republican or Democratic, conservative or socialist agenda. It is however an activist, anti-government statement. Simply put we solve our own problems better when we work together here.

I am encouraging Activism. I want you to get fired up and hit the streets. I want you to take your husband, wife, brothers, sisters, kids, neighbors, friends, coworkers, and anyone else you can. Get up. Get out there and make a difference. Volunteer. Give some of your time and money. Encourage others. Let someone else encourage you.

I call this the ‘Be In’ campaign. ‘Be In’volved in the community! ‘Be In’touch with what’s happening! ‘Be In’terested in the people in your community! ‘Be In’vested in the future of your neighborhoods, parks and schools! ‘Be In’gaged in the lives of the people around you! Most of all, what I’m saying is turn off the entertainment box and Go! ‘Be In’ your community. You’ll be glad you did.

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