Solitude leads to Serenity

Every so often I feel a distinct need to get away. I feel that I’ve had enough. “I’ve had all I can take, and I can’t take it no more.” These times often coincide with times of fogginess. When understanding and vision are unclear. These are the times that I must take to the hills. I must find solitude.  Here is a piece of my writing from February 2008. It was typed on a phone and emailed to myself for record-keeping. It was not spell checked or edited for missing words, grammar or anything for that matter. Here it is in it’s original form.

Every man I’ve ever met or heard or read about that has achieved what they feel is success has found a time and place of solitude. For some it was chasing wild game in the wilderness. For others a cabin on a lake. Many find there solitude in a den or home office. Many a man has found his solitude in the garage or shop. A friend of mine loves to tend to her roses. She has a gardener tend to the rest of their property but he better not touch her roses. I imagine this has less to do with him harming the roses and more to do with her time with them being sacred.
I heard a man say recently that he has a hard time finding solitude because he is drawn into intellectualizing his thoughts. This exemplifies the necessity to find place that does not entice him into facts and figures but into peace and serenity.
Another man recently spoke of how limits on time obstruct him from finding serenity. It is the requirements on his time that prevent him from the ability to clear his mind. The thoughts of other things that need to be done or the next meeting or appointment prevents him from finding serenity in his mind.
These two men confirm that we need both a serene time and a place to go for solitude.
A place at home where you do not feel you have work to do. A place where you are not constantly distracted by things that you need to do.
Solitude is where your mind is cleaned out of all the rubbish that is put and taken in everywhere else in your life. It is the place where worries dissolve. This is where fear loses it’s power. Where pain is no longer a priority. Then the mind is organized. For cleaning is not enough. This is where thought are put into place. When a mind is clean your spirit will come ind and arrange your thoughts properly. This is when you mind starts to think accurately.
When people have been in solitude is when they are heard to say, that is when I started thinking clearly.
When you’re body and soul are brought together and united in organization and priorities is when your mind and spirit are one. This is when you are acting out of your true being. This is when you will be true to yourself. This is when you will flow. You will be natural.
It is in solitude where you find yourself. You become intimately acquainted with your inner being. It is here that you put your animalistic cravings and find your true self.
Solitude is the place where dreams and visions happen. Solitude is where facts, figures and rules don’t apply. It is the place where you are outside of the box. Solitude is where the abstract lays it’s foundation in reality. The great author of success, Napoleon Hill, stated that what ever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. These first two steps take place in the solitude of the mind. It is in this serenity that ideas are conceived. Solitude from distractions and Nay Sayers is where the visions are sketched and drawn. Here is where they are colored and find motion. This is when they become believable. It is later that they become reality. Only after you have spent time alone with your dreams are you able to start creating them in this world. Castles must first be built in the sky before they can be built on earth.
In summary solitude is where you find clarity. Solitude is the home of sanity. It is in quite serene solitude that we find the answers we can find nowhere else.
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For me, solitude is most easily found in nature. I have not found a place locally that I like. Mostly it has been walking the land that my family owns in South Dakota. I hope to find someplace that I like soon.

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